Bologna vs AC Milan

Serie A Matchday 9

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Pick your teams

Choose one team for each category. You will earn or lose points based on their performance in the game.

How points work

How to play

Single games

For each game, you pick one team for each of the five categories. You can change your selections right up until the game starts.

As the game is played, the two teams' points will be updated, and you can see your points total.

Points categories

  • Passing accuracy: teams earn between 20–50 points when their passing accuracy is over 60%. Accuracy is calculated from accurate passes / total passes × 100.
  • Shooting accuracy: teams earn between 20–50 points when their shooting accuracy is over 20%. Accuracy is calculated from shots on goal / total shots × 100.
  • Corners: teams earn 3 points for every corner they win.
  • Fouls: teams lose 1 point for every foul they commit (pick the team you think will commit fewer fouls!)
  • xG diff: teams earn or lose points based on the difference between how many goals they score compared to their expected goals ("xG"). Their xG difference is mulitplied by 10 points (limited between -20 and 20 points). For example, a team which scores 2 goals and has an xG of 1.24 will earn 7.6 points (0.76 × 10).
Earn 20–50 pts when accuracy above 70%
Earn 20–50 pts when accuracy above 20%
Earn 3 pts for every corner
Lose 1 pt for every foul committed
xG diff.
Goals minus expected goals, multiplied by 10 pts (max 20 pts)

Passing accuracy

Measured by accurate passes divided by total passes.

Earn 20–50 pts when accuracy above 70%.

Pick the team you think will have better passing accuracy.

Shooting accuracy

Measured by shots on goal divided by total shots.

Earn 20–50 pts when accuracy above 20%.

Pick the team you think will have better shooting accuracy.

Corners won

Total corners won during the game.

Earn 3 pts for every corner.

Pick the team you think will get the most corners.

Fouls committed

Total fouls committed during the game.

Lose 1 pt for every foul committed.

Pick the team you think will commit fewer fouls.

xG difference

Measured by goals scored minus xG (expected goals).

Goals minus expected goals, multiplied by 10 pts (max 20 pts).

Pick the team you think will score more goals than chances they create.

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